Tuesday, September 2, 2008

QED 522 ICT - Reflection 4

For the next few sessions, we'll be focusing on integrating technology in our lessons.

Today, one group shared how they would use E-draw mindmapping tool in their D&T lesson, to design a night light. Lotsa words but little explanation on how to start the map from scratch.

After that, the class was exposed to the various educational gaming softwares that were meant to promote ICT-based enagged learning among students.

This was the first time I 'played' with such 'toys'. At station 3, somehow or another, I felt the games were more suitable for primary school kids. The maths & science questions seemed too simple for secondary school students.

At the next station, I played Nintendo Wii Sports (tennis & boxing). Though I liked the concept, trying to aim at my target was challenging. More often than not, it was trial & error. Wish there was some navigation help. Nonetheless, managed to work out a little sweat & kept the heart pumping hard.

Dr Tan also briefed us on our case study assignment. And yes, he was right, we're all exhausted & loaded with assignments. The assignments kept coming like some production line. I wish we had more time & less assignments so that we can really absorb stuff & LEARN. I know what I wanna learn & benefit from NIE. I just wish NIE would go easy on the assignments so that we can really really absorb, learn & benefit from this course.

Oh yeah...need to ponder what cooperative & collaborative learning mean...I roughly have the idea when Dr Tan showed to us how some groups took ownership of their contribution in the previous e-learning task. I guess in collaborative learning, we share information without taking any credit. We should just share info willingly & openly, for the benefit of anyone & everyone...being SELFLESS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi TS,

I thought I should point out that someone might share openly and willingly but still only be cooperating rather than collaborating. There is more to collaboration than that. Furthermore, taking ownership of content does not mean labelling what one's contribution was.

If you pursue these two concepts in QED522, you might discover what they mean definitively how to translate them into practice.

Dr Tan