Tuesday, October 7, 2008
QED 522 ICT - Reflection 10
I've come to realise & appreciate what Prof Ashley has been doing for us all these while. He's been practising what he's been preaching to us - how to infuse ICT-tools in an engaged-learning environment.
He's been playing his roles in an ICT-based engaged learning environment - as a facilitator who designs authentic tasks, provide scaffolding, participate in moderate discussions, challenge & probe students' responses, provide feedback, etc. We ourselves have been playing ours - as learners, solving authentic problems, seeking, analysing & interpreting information, exchange & share information, review & reflect on actions, etc etc. Indeed, after 10 weeks, we've become more aware of the roles teachers, students & ICT play in an engaged learning environment.
I've learnt a lot from this course - course pbwiki, class pbwiki, group pbwiki, weekly blogging, engaged learning, pedagogical approaches, lesson ideas, educational gaming, Second Life, COTF, etc etc. What I found most practical was how I could apply these skills & knowledge in planning our group's lesson ideas. And I hope to be able to put into practice some of these ICT tools & skills.
Well, Prof did mention that we could be constrained by some of the inflexibilities & pressures in school that may hinder or prevent us from infusing ICT into our lessons. As teachers, we should constantly upgrade ourselves to keep abreast of the latest technological advancements. One of they ways to learn & to know more is by communicating with our students in school. In fact, it was my students who requested me to create this blog. Now, we visit one another's blog to know what's been happening & to keep in touch. I guess, as teachers, we need to form positive social bonds with our students, so that we can educate, motivate & inspire them in one way or another, hopefully. :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
QED 522 ICT - Reflection 9: E-learning on iN2015 & COTF
Nevertheless, the learning environment in the COTF seems exciting & refreshing. It is very stimulating too. I was very impressed with how pupils learn in the iN2015 video. With technology, learning can take place anywhere anytime. Pupils become self-regulating & self-directed learners. They take charge of what they want to learn, how much they want to learn, when they want to learn, where they want to learn, etc. Learning becomes an active & on-going process. It is very learner-centered.
What concerns me greater is iN2015. BTW, Intelligent Nation 2015 (iN2015) is Singapore’s 10-year masterplan to help us realise the potential of infocomm over the next decade. Led by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), iN2015 is a multi-agency effort that is the result of private, public and people sector co-creation. See video below:
The year 2008 is coming to a close in 3 months time. Singapore has another 6-7 years to realise the iN2015 vision. Can we achieve it? Are we on track? Is everyone aware of this vision? Are we prepared for it? If not, how can we better prepare ourselves? Also, what concerns me are not the younger generations who are already digital natives, but digital immigrants in their 40s, 50s & older. Will there be a communication breakdown between the two? How can they cope & live with the changes in technology that will have a significant impact on their lives? Can they adapt to the changes or will they be left behind to live in a world of their own? Will these digital natives spend more time with their gadgets, thus have less socio-emotional interaction with other human species?
Being a digital immigrant myself, I do not deny having these genuine fears & concerns myself. I'm thankful that I've picked up useful knowledge & experience from the ICT subject. However, there are many teachers in schools who may not have been privileged to undergo proper ICT training for one reason or another. How will they cope with the pressure to infuse ICT tools in our education? And will their ignorance have a negative impact on the education of our young? Will teachers have to learn from these digital natives instead? How will I face up to these challenges?
For one thing, I know NIE (in particular ICT) has helped me experience ICT in education. What would happen when I graduate from NIE? How would I keep up with the changes & advancements in ICT. I am just one of the many thousands of teachers who may have similar fears. How would MOE address this issue? Have an ICT support group for us?
I hope MOE or NIE would have some answers or solutions to the above-mentioned concerns & fear. I guess one way is to continue to learn as we teach. Sign up & attend in-service courses organised by NIE or other institutions. The 100 TRAISI hours would come in handy. Hope there would be such courses in the pipeline... :)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
QED 522 ICT - Reflection 7/8
Prof Ashley introduced Second Life to us. It was an eye-opener! We had fun. It was really amazing & impressive!!! We were so engrossed in it. Then Prof also spoke to us about some of the educational & social values of SL. Yeah, I must agree that SL really does work wonders, if put to the right use.
This second video gives many practical & good applications of SL in education. A must watch! The benefits are self-explanatory.
We'll be visiting Classroom Of The Future (COTF) this Thur. Oh yeah, Prof also showed us what it life would be in 2015. Lotsa fantastic unthinkable digital gadgets. So cool. Hmmm...2015...how old would I be then??? Lol....that's 7 years away...haha...
Will post more when we do our e-learning next week & after visiting COTF. :)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
QED 522 ICT - Reflection 6
My group & I will be having our demo next Tue. Thus, we'll have our rehearsal this Thu. And next week, Dr Tan will share with us Second Life...hmmm...interesting...new to me...
Saturday, September 13, 2008
QED 522 ICT - Reflection 5
Groups C & D presented their group demo. Was impressed by Group C's presentation on Google's Sketchup. And they have already done their lesson plan! (more or less). We continued to be exposed to another educational gaming software.
Meanwhile, my group members & I are also preparing for our group demo on 23 Sep. Will be introducing CmapTools, yet another mindmapping tool! Kinda boring when 2 other groups had already presented mindmapping tools. Well, what we could do is perhaps demo to everyone its advantages & disadvantages over E-draw & bubb.us. In fact, CmapTools have more features!
U can read more here .
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Collaborative learning vs cooperative learning
Collaborative learning is a personal philosophy, not just a classroom technique. In all situations where people come together in groups, it suggests a way of dealing with people which respect and highlights individual group members' abilities and contributions. There is a sharing of authority and acceptance of responsibility among group members for the groups actions. The underlying premise of collaborative learning is based upon consensus building through cooperation by group members, in contrast to competition in which individuals best other group members. CL practitioners apply this philosophy in the classroom, at committee meetings, with community groups, within their families and generally as a way of living with and dealing with other people.
In collaborative learning environments, students:
- frequently work as a team
- actively solve meaningful problems
- publicly exhibit their learning
- reflect on what they are learning and doing
- apply quality criteria to their work
- take responsibility for and ownership of their learning.
Cooperation is a structure of interaction designed to facilitate the accomplishment of a specific end product or goal through people working together in groups.
Cooperative learning is defined by a set of processes which help people interact together in order to accomplish a specific goal or develop an end product which is usually content specific. It is more directive than a collaboratve system of governance and closely controlled by the teacher. While there are many mechanisms for group analysis and introspection the fundamental approach is teacher centered whereas collaborative learning is more student centered.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
QED 522 ICT - Reflection 4
Today, one group shared how they would use E-draw mindmapping tool in their D&T lesson, to design a night light. Lotsa words but little explanation on how to start the map from scratch.
After that, the class was exposed to the various educational gaming softwares that were meant to promote ICT-based enagged learning among students.
This was the first time I 'played' with such 'toys'. At station 3, somehow or another, I felt the games were more suitable for primary school kids. The maths & science questions seemed too simple for secondary school students.
At the next station, I played Nintendo Wii Sports (tennis & boxing). Though I liked the concept, trying to aim at my target was challenging. More often than not, it was trial & error. Wish there was some navigation help. Nonetheless, managed to work out a little sweat & kept the heart pumping hard.
Dr Tan also briefed us on our case study assignment. And yes, he was right, we're all exhausted & loaded with assignments. The assignments kept coming like some production line. I wish we had more time & less assignments so that we can really absorb stuff & LEARN. I know what I wanna learn & benefit from NIE. I just wish NIE would go easy on the assignments so that we can really really absorb, learn & benefit from this course.
Oh yeah...need to ponder what cooperative & collaborative learning mean...I roughly have the idea when Dr Tan showed to us how some groups took ownership of their contribution in the previous e-learning task. I guess in collaborative learning, we share information without taking any credit. We should just share info willingly & openly, for the benefit of anyone & everyone...being SELFLESS!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
QED 522 ICT - Reflection 3
Some of these approches have similarities & may overlap one another. The 8 approaches are briefly described below:
1. Anchored instruction
Students learn through activities that evolve around a focal point or an 'anchor' which could be an authentic problem situation.
2. Case-based learning
Pupils examine & analyse cases, & provide their views of what they would have done under such circumstances.
3. Cognitive apprenticeship
Teachers & pupils form an alliance where teachers become the 'experts' or engage external experts to guide students in their learning tasks.
4. Goal-based scenario
Students learn specific skills through real-world situations, e.g. students learn machining skills through creation of artefacts in D&T coursework.
5. Inquiry-based learning
Pupils learn by asking questions & gathering information, and find solutions to these questions.
6. Knowledge building
Students prepare resources through creation & continual improvement of ideas which benefit others.
7. Problem-based learning
Pupils analyse problems, make diagnosis & provide solutions for them.
8. Project-based learning
Students learn through creation of meaningful products, models or artefacts.
Our group has been assigned the following 2 pedagogical approaches:
a) Inquiry-based learning
b) Knowledge building
The group will present a lesson plan based on these 2 approaches with the use of Cmap as ICT tool for engaged learning.
You can read more from our pbwiki site here
As a student, I've come across the following approaches:
a) Case-based learning (university)
b) Problem-based learning (secondary school)
c) Project-based learning (Secondary school, university)
As mentioned earlier, some of these pedagogies are similar & may overlap one another. For example, case-based, problem-based & project-based are highly similar to one another where students study & analyse a given situation / problem / task, & propose solutions to them.
ICT tools & interactive resources provides a means for pupils to engage actively in collaborative learning & knowledge building. These tools & resources anable pupils to be self-directed learners, independent in their learning but yet interdependent on one another for greater achievements / results. Pupils are exposed to real-world authentic problem solving situations. They are able to use these ICT tools to enhance effective & efficient learning. There are millions of unlimited resoources out there & ICT bridges pupils to these sources. Imagine the amount of knowledge one can benefit from them.
Next week is ICT e-learning week & we have to do a write up on the issues & strategies in face-to-face learning environment & online learning environment.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Beijing Olympics 2008 08.08.08 - 24.08.08
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
QED 522 ICT - Reflection 2
We were introduced to the concept, indicators & dimensions of engaged learning. Dr Tan started us of in groups so that we could share our individual experiences with one another. This provided us a platform for collaborative learning. He also practised scaffolding by giving us suggestions on some of the tutorial questions, probed our understanding & prompted us with stimulating queries. He helped us bridge missing gaps & provided feedback to our assignments. He was playing his role in an engaged-learning environment.
As students, we played our roles. We were asked to share & exchange real-world authentic learning experience, engaged in collaborative learning among our group members, make connections between what we learned & what are being practised in the real world (from MOE website). As usual we have to make weekly reflections in our personal blogs & post our assignments in wiki as a platform for info sharing.
ICT provide the tools to facilitate & promote engaged learning. It is commonly used where simulation, visualisation & modelling is required. It aids in problem-solving, decision making, data analysis, data transfer & data management. It serves as a channel / network for active communication, interaction, knowledge creation / sharing across geographical & cultural barriers.
Next, I'd like to learn how to design lesson ideas for ICT-based engaged learning, the various pedagogical approaches & how to put them into practice. And perhaps help me in my assignments? ;o)
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
QED 522 ICT - Reflection 1
Met up with the tutorial group, made up largely of former engineers. Here they are:
Dr Ashley Tan laid his ground rules & expectations. Also introduced ICT, Master Plan 1 & 2 to us.
MP1 was introduced in 1997 to introduce & infuse the use of technology, specifically, ICT in schools. It set out to improve the curriculum & assessment approach to encourage self-directed, engaged & independent learning among students. It involved the acquisition of resources, setting up of infrastructure & training of human resources.
In 2002, MP2 was launched, riding on the success of MP1. MP2 adopts a systemic & holistic approach to integrating ICT in education. Educational processes & structures are further enhanced. There is mutual interaction among pupils, teachers, and curriculum & assessment. ICT serves as a platform for constructivism (learner-centered classrooms). It aims to achieve engaged & active learning among students. Teachers can also attain professional & personal growth with the use of ICT.
MP1 vs MP2 :
a) Use of IT to support existing curriculum
b) Static print content
c) One-size-fits-all approach
d) Basic skills & competencies
e) Phased approach
f) Standard technology provisions
g) Teacher-centred pedagogies
a) Seamless integration
b) Dynamic digital content
c) Mass customisation & ability-driven approach
d) Range of competencies
e) Greater ownership & accountability
f) Flexible technology provisions
g) Pupil-centred pedagogies
I have no doubt that ICT can work wonders in most, if not all, aspects of life, particularly in education. However, I'm concerned if ICT slows down the learning process as much depends on the students' proactiveness. Self-directed learners are expected to be self-motivating, self-managing & self-modifying. Can ICT can work for N(T) students? Can we rely on them to be self-directed learners? Will these pupils use ICT effectively for active learning?
Lots of questions & uncertainties in my mind.
1) Course expectations?
2) Group & individual assignments - What do we need to do? How to start? What is expected? Any reference material? Previous projects? More info required.
3) Lotsa deadlines to meet in October, not to mention preparations for SMMT in Oct too. And it's not even full-load now.
Spent the whole afternoon studying in the library, doing research & tutorials. Read my ICT notes on constructivism & the benefits of ICT in learning & teaching. A lot of useful examples too. Has certainly helped me appreciate the use of ICT more. But can this work with N(T) students???
Monday, July 7, 2008
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 28 & 29 June 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Jap lesson 2 will resume on Wed Term 3 Week 1
Those who missed the first lesson, pls copy the notes from 1E1 Sarah or Wan Zhen. Lessons will resume on Wed of Term 3 Week 1 1-2 pm at 1E1 classroom. Pls be punctual.
Enjoy ur hols! :)
Friday, May 2, 2008
Add me on Friendster
Due to 'popular' demand, I've created a Friendster account. Please add me lowts2102@yahoo.com.
The Elementary Japanese lessons will be conducted after SA1 on Wed 1-2 pm & Fri 12.30-1.30 pm at D&T Workshop. Those who can't make it for BOTH the days will not be able to take the course. Attendance is compulsory for those who signed up & paid S$15 for the textbook.
As this is a VOLUNTARY service by me & has nothing to do with the school, those who do not take the course seriously or skipped >2 lessons will be expelled from the class.
Study hard for your SA1! :)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Elementary Japanese language lessons after SA1
Those interested in learning elementary Japanese language, pls let me know. Most probably after SA1, after school hours, subject to approval. But textbook (S$15+) not included. And please be SERIOUS! Those play play not welcomed. :)
Selection criteria :
2) Good behaviour in D&T class
3) Punctual for lessons
4) If u miss more than 2 lessons, you're OUT! ;)
I plan to begin lessons at 1.10 pm SHARP & end at 2.10 pm, tentatively on Wednesdays or 12.40 pm on Fridays. To be confirmed.
See u all tmr! :)
Monday, March 3, 2008
Musical Pop-up Greeting Cards
How to make the switch http://www.instructables.com/id/SHL30Y7F9056YLW/
How to make the pop-up :
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Wet, wet weekend :(
Week 10...final week for Term 1. Fri got Jogathon, then will be bringing NPCC to Home Team Academy & Sat afternoon got Sec 1 UG camp at BBSS. Busy week despite the upcoming Mar break.
Enjoy the weekend, wateva is left of it.
See u all tmr!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Clear, blue skies tmr pleeeeeeeease...
Gosh, it must have been ages since I last went to those places. So much changes. What happened to the Nyonya laksa & Roti prata at Suntec City Convention Centre? There's a food court there now! With lotsa 'bookshelves'. Okie, I think I shud 'visit' the city more often. :)
Oh yea, if any 2E3 is in here, do remember (& if possible, remind ur classmates as well), to bring the musical card that we did last Thu for Monday's lesson. U guys will be doin' a project based on the theme 'Lights & Sound' (meaning must use LED, musical IC & speakers). By the way, pls keep all the past 3 project work. U will need to reuse some of the components.
Lookin' forward to the MR500 Dragon Boat Race at Lower Seletar Reservoir (near Khatib MRT) this coming Sat & Sun 8-9 Mar 2008 9am-5pm.
Hope the skies will be clear & sunny tomorrow...
Enjoy ur weekend, ppl!
Wet wet Saturday :(
Guess today wud b indoor day aka window-shopping day. Haven't decided where, most likely city ba. Haiz...was looking forward to a sunny Sat, go swimming & cycling.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
'Agar-agar' making sessions
Have marked 160 test scripts, keyed in 320 scores into the database. Checked & checked again for accuracy umpteen times. Should be 100% correct ba.
Sec1E4 topped the Sec1E cohort in D&T this term. They were very attentive during lessons. Well done. Keep up the good work!
Sec2E3 not bad too.
Sec 3T1 did well. Ganbatte ne! Jia you!
Buying lunch for D&T staff tmr. TGIF!
Sec1s, please submit ur Design Journals on Message Holder tmr ya? Remember - it's 5 marks daily interest. ;)
Have a nice weekend ahead. Enjoy yourselves. March break is just round the corner!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Design journals & more design journals...
As for the rest, pls continue to persist. Ask me if u dun understand or need help. I can't do the journal for u, but I can guide u :
a) Definition (see dictionary)
b) Mindmap (see textbook page 35 & 36)
c) Problem Situation - identify the problem. You may consider one of the following :
i) Stationery
ii) CDs
iii) Letters
iv) Magazines
v) Newspapers
vi) Toiletries
vii) Kitchen utensils
viii) Shoes, etc
d) Design Brief – 'Design & make a storage device for .....' (see textbook page 37)
e) Image Board – collection of pictures as part of research (see textbook page 34)
f) Design Ideas – sketch 2 design ideas for the storage problem identified from (c)
g) Design Analysis – compare & contrast the 2 design ideas (see textbook page 40)
h) Final Design – choose the better design idea from the 2
i) Design Specifications – consider function, aesthetics, ergonomics, innovation, materials, environment, etc (see textbook page 41)
j) Development – drawings with dimensions, materials & colours specified
Sec 1Es - Please submit ur design journals this week (week 9) :
1. Introduction – definition, past & present solutions
2. Problem situation – identify the need, problem or want
3. Design brief – short but clear statement of what is wanted or needed
4. Research – internet, magazines, encyclopedia, books, catalogues, survey, observation, interview, product analysis
5. Image board – collection of images or pictures as part of research or ideation
6. Mindmap – tree structure of thoughts, aids in identification of design solutions
7. Design ideas – sketch various possibilities, potential solutions, opportunities
8. Design specifications – consider function, aesthetics, ergonomics, innovation, materials, environment
9. Final design – choose 1, develop drawings with dimensions, materials & colours specified
And please bring your own moulds for the 'agar-agar'. U can get them from the supermarket or Phoon Huat (Red Man logo, selling baking ingredients / utensils). U can share & purchase the mould.
There's a Phoon Huat shop next to Jurong East Shop 'N' Save at the following address :
Blk 134 Jurong East Street 13
Singapore 600134
Tel: 6896 2703
Operation hours:9:30am to 9:30pm daily (Monday - Sunday)
See ya!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
How we view things determines what we think & how we react
Be patient.
HOM - Managing impulsivity, Thinking & communicating with clarity & precision.
Monday, February 25, 2008
When there's a will, there's a way
To 3T1 & 3N2, I really hope to see all of u do well in ur studies. I'm doing the best that I can to help u all in D&T. That is the main reason why I became a teacher - to teach & help students do well in their studies & in life.
FYI, Design Project carries 70% weightage in ur 'N' level D&T exam. Sec 3 is the best time for u to practise the Design Journal. Next year, u will have to submit the Design Journal + Project workpiece to MOE.
I hope that u all will pay attention in class & put in a little more effort in ur studies. If u have any question, feel free to ask me anytime. Good luck! :)
Congratulations to those who have done well in the D&T class test. I'm so proud of u. If u believe u can do it, u will be able to. Just believe in urself & do the best that u can!
3T1 Amos & 3N2 Belinda, ur Design Journals were impressive. Keep up the good work! :)
HOM - Persisting, Listening with empathy & understanding, Remaining open to continuous learning.